
29 jobs voor Project Management Assistant gevonden in Leuven (3000)


Trefwoord 29 jobs voor Project Management Assistant gevonden in Leuven (3000)


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Office Assistant

time Online sinds 21 juni 2024 - Vaste jobs

Nesto is een Belgisch netwerk van dierenartsenpraktijken dat in 2019 werd opgericht en garant staat voor professionele dienstverlening en kwalitatief hoogstaande dierenzorg.Op 5 jaar tijd werd een netwerk van meer dan 50 praktijken uitgebouwd gespreid over België, Duitsland en Luxemburg.

Vanuit het Nesto Service Center in Leuven bieden 15 collega’s ondersteuning aan de Belgische en Luxemburgse praktijken op het vlak van finance, operations, marketing en HR.Innovatie, klantgerichtheid en persoonlijke ontwikkeling staan hier centraal en worden gerealiseerd via een continue dialoog en oog voor de eigenheid van elke praktijk en elke medewerker.

Om ons groeiverhaal verder te zetten, gaan wij op zoek naar een Office Assistant.

Een greep uit je takenpakket

Als Office Assistant zal je enerzijds instaan voor administratieve ondersteuning van de CEO, COO, CFO en anderzijds ben je verantwoordelijke voor het kantoorbeheer.

  • Je neemt deel aan meetings, neemt notulen en volgt afgesproken actiepunten op.
  • Je filtert e-mails en telefoons.
  • Je maakt rapportages op en stelt administratieve dossiers op.
  • Je staat in voor het opmaken van presentaties (MS Powerpoint).
  • Je beheert de agenda’s en plant afspraken in.
  • Je organiseert evenementen en meetings.
  • Je zal fungeren als eerste aanspreekpunt voor collega's, klanten en leveranciers.
  • Je neemt contact op met leveranciers en vraagt offertes op.
  • Je biedt administratieve ondersteuning in verschillende projecten over de verschillende departementen heen.
  • Je bent verantwoordelijk voor het beheer van het kantoor: poetsfirma aansturen, allerhande administratie rond gebouwbeheer, bestellen kantoormateriaal …
  • Je beheert de vergaderzalen, …
  • Je brengt met je organisatorische skills orde in chaos.
  • Met jouw helikopterview kan je overzicht bewaren over de verschillende afdelingen heen en bied je ondersteuning waar nodig.
  • Je rapporteert aan de COO.

Electrical Package Engineer

time Online sinds 6 juni 2024 - Vaste jobs

As Electrical Package Engineer, you will:

  • Provide technical High Voltage support to the electrical package team
  • Assist in the design process, supplier selection process andfabrication and installation phase of the offshore and onshore substation and HV/MV cables
  • Identify and check the technical and contractual interfaces between substation contracts, cable supply contracts and installation contracts
  • Ensure that relevant HSE requirements are satisfied for the different contracts
  • Assist in the technical part of the Employer Requirements process
  • Report to the Electrical Package Manager.

Furthermore, during the construction phases of our projects you will follow up fabrication and construction works in the factories and the pre-assembly and construction sites.

Tasks and Responsibilities:

  • Predesign of basic electrical HV infrastructure and SLD for operating an offshore windfarm
  • Define and calculate the major components of which the electrical infrastructure of a windfarm is composed of: HV and MV cable sections, HV transformers, shunt reactors,…
  • Participate in the design review with contractors of the proposed overall electrical infrastructure for an offshore wind farm
  • Follow up the different tenders issued for the Electrical Infrastructure
  • Review the contractor's assumptions and documents to assure a feasible design as well as a design that meets the Parkwind requirements on availability and maintainability
  • Check the proposed electrical design in respect to the grid requirements of the TSO, the Parkwind Employer Requirements and interface descriptions
  • Assist in discussions with TSO/Contractor regarding grid compliance requirements, the design of the reactive power compensation and implementation
  • During production phase check quality assurance and product specification of cables produced
  • Monitoring of production schedules
  • Witnessing of the factory acceptance tests (FAT)
  • Overall inspection of the quality plan of the manufacturer and the production records (internal checks, deviations and routine tests)
  • Build up knowledge on the applicable IEC standards and the critical items during FAT of cables
  • During the onshore and offshore installation phase of the wind farm follow up and check the necessary quality assurance and control related to the offshore substation commissioning and cable installations
  • Interface coordination and management between the different scopes and parties such as the Supply and Installation Contractor of the export cable and infield cables and OHVS contractor
  • Evaluation of transport plans and provisions
  • Quality and HSE control on onshore cable installation and jointing procedures and workmanship
  • Interface coordination TSO – Contractor on HV connection, protection settings, information exchange and reactive power compensation
  • Evaluation of commissioning and test plans

Flexibility (in both directions) will be a large part of your function.Primarily you will be based in our offices in Leuven.You will have the opportunity to perform offshore visits and occasionally you will have to travel, both in Europe and overseas.

Electrical Package Engineer

time Online sinds 6 juni 2024 - Vaste jobs

As Electrical Package Engineer, you will:

  • Provide technical High Voltage support to the electrical package team
  • Assist in the design process, supplier selection process andfabrication and installation phase of the offshore and onshore substation and HV/MV cables
  • Identify and check the technical and contractual interfaces between substation contracts, cable supply contracts and installation contracts
  • Ensure that relevant HSE requirements are satisfied for the different contracts
  • Assist in the technical part of the Employer Requirements process
  • Report to the Electrical Package Manager.

Furthermore, during the construction phases of our projects you will follow up fabrication and construction works in the factories and the pre-assembly and construction sites.

Tasks and Responsibilities:

  • Predesign of basic electrical HV infrastructure and SLD for operating an offshore windfarm
  • Define and calculate the major components of which the electrical infrastructure of a windfarm is composed of: HV and MV cable sections, HV transformers, shunt reactors,…
  • Participate in the design review with contractors of the proposed overall electrical infrastructure for an offshore wind farm
  • Follow up the different tenders issued for the Electrical Infrastructure
  • Review the contractor's assumptions and documents to assure a feasible design as well as a design that meets the Parkwind requirements on availability and maintainability
  • Check the proposed electrical design in respect to the grid requirements of the TSO, the Parkwind Employer Requirements and interface descriptions
  • Assist in discussions with TSO/Contractor regarding grid compliance requirements, the design of the reactive power compensation and implementation
  • During production phase check quality assurance and product specification of cables produced
  • Monitoring of production schedules
  • Witnessing of the factory acceptance tests (FAT)
  • Overall inspection of the quality plan of the manufacturer and the production records (internal checks, deviations and routine tests)
  • Build up knowledge on the applicable IEC standards and the critical items during FAT of cables
  • During the onshore and offshore installation phase of the wind farm follow up and check the necessary quality assurance and control related to the offshore substation commissioning and cable installations
  • Interface coordination and management between the different scopes and parties such as the Supply and Installation Contractor of the export cable and infield cables and OHVS contractor
  • Evaluation of transport plans and provisions
  • Quality and HSE control on onshore cable installation and jointing procedures and workmanship
  • Interface coordination TSO – Contractor on HV connection, protection settings, information exchange and reactive power compensation
  • Evaluation of commissioning and test plans

Flexibility (in both directions) will be a large part of your function.Primarily you will be based in our offices in Leuven.You will have the opportunity to perform offshore visits and occasionally you will have to travel, both in Europe and overseas.