
1338 jobs voor design manager gevonden


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Motion design engineer

time Online sinds 11 juli 2024 - Vaste jobs

Als Motion Design Engineer werk je bij Actemium, waar we gedreven zijn door innovatie en streven naar het verleggen van grenzen in de industrie, mee aan de toekomst.Wij zoeken een creatieve en technisch onderlegde Motion Design Engineer om ons team te versterken.In deze rol ben je verantwoordelijk voor het ontwikkelen en implementeren van geavanceerde motion design-oplossingen voor diverse toepassingen binnen de industrie.

Je functie:

  • Ontwikkelen en implementeren van geavanceerde motion design-oplossingen voor diverse toepassingen binnen de industrie.
  • Samenwerken met multidisciplinaire teams om technische vereisten te begrijpen en te vertalen naar creatieve en innovatieve motion designconcepten.
  • Bouwen van motion design systemen en toepassingen.
  • Analyseren, testen en verbeteren van motion design workflows en processen om efficiëntie en kwaliteit te waarborgen.
  • Onderzoek doen naar nieuwe technologieën en trends op het gebied van motion design om voorop te blijven lopen in de industrie.

Vereiste Vaardigheden en Ervaring:

  • Grondige kennis van motion design software
  • Technische achtergrond in engineering met kennis van relevante technologieën (bijv.robotics, automation, AI) is een pluspunt.
  • Sterke probleemoplossende vaardigheden en het vermogen om technische uitdagingen aan te pakken.
  • Goede communicatieve vaardigheden en vermogen om effectief te werken in teamverband.

Opleiding en Certificering:

  • Bachelor- of masterdiploma in technische richting, bij voorkeur in engineering, computerwetenschappen, multimedia design, of een gerelateerd veld.
  • Certificeringen of trainingen op het gebied van motion design zijn een pluspunt.


  • Actemium maakt deel uit van de sterke groep VINCI Energies
  • Focus op innovatie (Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, Cloud, Big Data en AI)
  • Een team dat voor elkaar in de bres springt
  • Zelfontwikkeling met behulp van opleidingen op maat
  • Duidelijke loopbaanpaden met zicht op je toekomst en doorgroeimogelijkheden
  • Compleet verloningspakket met firmawagen en andere extralegale voordelen zoals maaltijdcheques, verzekeringspakket, bonus, gsm abonnement, onkostenvergoeding,.
  • Een gedreven én waardengedreven organisatie met oog voor mens & maatschappij
  • Tal van initiatieven rond kennisdeling, sportieve, culturele en/of familiale activiteiten

Project Engineer - Renewable Energy

time Online sinds 24 juli 2024 - Vaste jobs

Enerdeal is specialised in project development, financing, and operating large-scale multi-megawatt Commercial and Industrial Renewable Energy Systems and Solar PV projects.

Enerdeal's mission, ever since its inception in 2009, has been to promote smarter use of energy by providing state-of-the-art and competitive solar energy solutions to energy-intensive users, industrial companies, and large property owners, increasingly integrated with electric vehicle charging stations.The Enerdeal park represents more than 2,000,000m2 of solar systems on carports, roofs, walls, or grounds.

The company operates in Belgium and Luxemburg.Since 1 February 2023, Enerdeal joined the EDP Group, an international leader in renewable energies.

To address a rising number of industrial photovoltaic projects, Enerdeal is looking for a Project Engineer – Renewable Energy, who will provide technical support for large and complex photovoltaic projects in Belgium and Luxemburg during the entire project management cycle – by creating and implementing industrial photovoltaic projects processes and designs.

Key tasks:

  • Understand project requirements; design state-of-the-art processes and solutions with project/client requirements, cost-effectiveness, and environmental standards in mind
  • Provide design and engineering solution for industrial photovoltaic projects, including: building (facility) studies, computations and calculations of installation performance and installation profitability, electrical design (both PV installations and substations), detailed drawings, material selection, etc.
  • Undergo regular training as part of continual learning and development path
  • Assess the usability and safety of the designed processes and solutions
  • Provide regular and efficient reporting on project status, and present results to managers and clients
  • Work closely with the project manager on multiple aspects, always with focus on PV development and engineering design process
  • Assist the project manager with technical visits and site surveys, as well as with final acceptance of works
  • Provide technical support to the pre-sales team for proposals and especially its technical components
  • Manage relevant documentation and keep it up to date

Project Engineer - Renewable Energy

time Online sinds 24 juli 2024 - Vaste jobs

Enerdeal is specialised in project development, financing, and operating large-scale multi-megawatt Commercial and Industrial Renewable Energy Systems and Solar PV projects.

Enerdeal's mission, ever since its inception in 2009, has been to promote smarter use of energy by providing state-of-the-art and competitive solar energy solutions to energy-intensive users, industrial companies, and large property owners, increasingly integrated with electric vehicle charging stations.The Enerdeal park represents more than 2,000,000m2 of solar systems on carports, roofs, walls, or grounds.

The company operates in Belgium and Luxemburg.Since 1 February 2023, Enerdeal joined the EDP Group, an international leader in renewable energies.

To address a rising number of industrial photovoltaic projects, Enerdeal is looking for a Project Engineer – Renewable Energy, who will provide technical support for large and complex photovoltaic projects in Belgium and Luxemburg during the entire project management cycle – by creating and implementing industrial photovoltaic projects processes and designs.

Key tasks:

  • Understand project requirements; design state-of-the-art processes and solutions with project/client requirements, cost-effectiveness, and environmental standards in mind
  • Provide design and engineering solution for industrial photovoltaic projects, including: building (facility) studies, computations and calculations of installation performance and installation profitability, electrical design (both PV installations and substations), detailed drawings, material selection, etc.
  • Undergo regular training as part of continual learning and development path
  • Assess the usability and safety of the designed processes and solutions
  • Provide regular and efficient reporting on project status, and present results to managers and clients
  • Work closely with the project manager on multiple aspects, always with focus on PV development and engineering design process
  • Assist the project manager with technical visits and site surveys, as well as with final acceptance of works
  • Provide technical support to the pre-sales team for proposals and especially its technical components
  • Manage relevant documentation and keep it up to date