
829 jobs voor erp project manager gevonden


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Supply Chain Manager

time Online sinds 3 juli 2024 - Vaste jobs
  • Strategy Implementation: Implement and execute planning and delivery strategies to maintain the lowest total supply chain cost.
  • Collaboration with Purchasing: Work with direct materials purchasing to optimize delivery processes from supplier to plant, including aspects such as containers, batches, timing, frequency, and routes.
  • Customer Delivery Optimization: Improve customer delivery processes by focusing on containers, batches, environmental concerns, and frequency of returnable containers.
  • Cost Calculation and Evaluation: Calculate associated costs and evaluate additional opportunities, ensuring alignment with internal customers for informed product/project decisions.
  • Team Communication: Maintain clear, consistent communication with teams across the company, including business development, member relations, and distribution, to facilitate coordination and collaboration.
  • Process Optimization: Work closely with the Production Manager to optimize internal processes, identify weaknesses, and develop innovative systems to drive performance efficiency.
  • Strategic Analysis: Conduct analysis on strategic decisions related to supply chain management.
  • Financial Analysis: Collect and analyze financial data to make projections, drive strategy, and implement new operational initiatives.
  • Risk Management: Identify supplier risks and formulate appropriate mitigation strategies with the Global Supply Chain Management (GSCM) team.
  • Process Documentation: Ensure process documentation meets all legal requirements and internal procedures.
  • ERP Management: Ensure accurate and up-to-date information in the ERP system; lead ERP implementation if necessary.
  • Production Balance: Optimize the balance between production lines, available capacity, and customer requests.
  • Logistics Management: Manage logistics needs of internal customers and optimize call-off strategies from suppliers in line with the production value stream.

Supply Chain Manager

time Online sinds 3 juli 2024 - Vaste jobs
  • Strategy Implementation: Implement and execute planning and delivery strategies to maintain the lowest total supply chain cost.
  • Collaboration with Purchasing: Work with direct materials purchasing to optimize delivery processes from supplier to plant, including aspects such as containers, batches, timing, frequency, and routes.
  • Customer Delivery Optimization: Improve customer delivery processes by focusing on containers, batches, environmental concerns, and frequency of returnable containers.
  • Cost Calculation and Evaluation: Calculate associated costs and evaluate additional opportunities, ensuring alignment with internal customers for informed product/project decisions.
  • Team Communication: Maintain clear, consistent communication with teams across the company, including business development, member relations, and distribution, to facilitate coordination and collaboration.
  • Process Optimization: Work closely with the Production Manager to optimize internal processes, identify weaknesses, and develop innovative systems to drive performance efficiency.
  • Strategic Analysis: Conduct analysis on strategic decisions related to supply chain management.
  • Financial Analysis: Collect and analyze financial data to make projections, drive strategy, and implement new operational initiatives.
  • Risk Management: Identify supplier risks and formulate appropriate mitigation strategies with the Global Supply Chain Management (GSCM) team.
  • Process Documentation: Ensure process documentation meets all legal requirements and internal procedures.
  • ERP Management: Ensure accurate and up-to-date information in the ERP system; lead ERP implementation if necessary.
  • Production Balance: Optimize the balance between production lines, available capacity, and customer requests.
  • Logistics Management: Manage logistics needs of internal customers and optimize call-off strategies from suppliers in line with the production value stream.

ERP Specialist

time Online sinds 22 juli 2024 - Tijdelijke jobs

ERP Specialist


  • Locatie: Brugge
  • Functie: ERP Specialist
  • Afdeling: ICT
  • Team lead: Senior ERP Specialist

Doel van de functie: De ERP Specialist is verantwoordelijk voor het beheren, implementeren, en optimaliseren van ERP-systemen binnen de organisatie en bij klanten.Deze systemen integreren en stroomlijnen bedrijfsprocessen zoals financiën, inkoop, verkoop, en human resources.

Plaats in de organisatie:

  • Samenwerken met: System Engineer, Integration Specialist, Data Analyst, Software Developer, Gebruikers, Klanten, ERP Partners
  • Rapporteren aan: Senior ERP Specialist

Rollen en verantwoordelijkheden:

  1. Probleemoplossing en Ondersteuning:
    • Ondersteunen van gebruikers en oplossen van problemen met het ERP-systeem.
  2. Stakeholdercommunicatie:
    • Effectief communiceren met IT-personeel, eindgebruikers, en management.
  3. Systeemimplementatie:
    • Configureren van ERP-software volgens specifieke bedrijfsbehoeften.
  4. Gegevensmigratie en Integratie:
    • Gegevensoverdracht van bestaande systemen naar het nieuwe ERP-systeem en integratie met andere systemen.
  5. Systeemonderhoud en -updates:
    • Regelmatig onderhouden en updaten van het ERP-systeem.
  6. Analyse en Rapportage:
    • Analyseren van bedrijfsprocessen en rapportagefunctionaliteit van het ERP-systeem.
  7. Procesverbetering:
    • Identificeren van mogelijkheden voor procesverbetering via het ERP-systeem.
  8. Projectmanagement:
    • Leiden of deelnemen aan ERP-gerelateerde projecten.
  9. Compliance en Beveiliging:
    • Zorgen voor naleving van wet- en regelgeving en gegevensbeveiliging.

Competenties en vaardigheden:

  • Competenties:
    • Analyseren (Niveau 1)
    • Resultaatgerichtheid (Niveau 1)
  • Vaardigheden:
    • Talen: Nederlands, Frans, Engels
    • Software: MS Office, affiniteit met ICT, basiskennis data-uitwisseling en integraties (XML, JSON)

Nodige werkmiddelen:

  • Tools: Laptop, Badge, Gsm-abonnement, Auto, Tankkaart
  • Toegangen: Officient, AS400, Odoo, Ticketing-systeem


Voor meer informatie of om direct te solliciteren, neem contact op:
Telefoon: +32 3 613 30 10
Email: d.verleyen(a)computerfutures.be
Computer Futures is a Staffing and Recruitment firm for IT roles in Belgium.